تحميل رواية خبايا نسائية Pdf ل منى ياسين
تحميل رواية خبايا نسائية Pdf ل منى ياسين
سنبحر في أعماق المرأة و نغوص بداخلها ، لنجد لآليء من خباياها ... فهي تحب بعنف ، و تكره بقسوة ، و تتألم في صمت ، و ترضى بصبر ، و تشكر برضا ، و تشعر بصدق ، و تحن بوجع و تصمت بكبرياء ، و تتحدث ببراعة ، و تفرح بعفوية ، و تحزن بقهر ، و تنجح بصخب و تفشل بمرارة ، و تلهو ببراءة و تستمتع بتلقائية ، و تنتقم بدهاء ، و تبكي بحرقة و تضحك بطفولة ، و تخجل بحياء ، و تشتهي بجرأة .
لنصل إلى شاطيء مشاعرها الفياضة الرقيقة .. فيسهل التعامل معها من قبل الرجل الذي يحيا في محيطها ..
فلا يغرق في تفاصيل تفكيرها .
للتحميل اضغط : هنا
You should see how my colleague Wesley Virgin's autobiography starts with this shocking and controversial VIDEO.
ردحذفAs a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he revealed hidden, "self mind control" secrets that the CIA and others used to get anything they want.
As it turns out, these are the same secrets tons of celebrities (especially those who "come out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become rich and famous.
You probably know that you only use 10% of your brain.
That's mostly because most of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.
Maybe this conversation has even taken place IN YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about 7 years ago, while riding an unregistered, beat-up garbage bucket of a car without a driver's license and with $3.20 on his banking card.
"I'm so fed up with going through life paycheck to paycheck! When will I get my big break?"
You took part in those conversations, right?
Your very own success story is going to happen. All you need is to believe in YOURSELF.
Take Action Now!